Every day my daughter's early years teachers send us some ideas of things we can do as part of her home learning. She's four, nearly five. Today they suggested some pasta painting, something they regularly do at school but not something we've ever done at home before. We're a little limited on pasta at the moment so we had to think ahead about what we wanted to make and plan it out so we didn't waste any. My daughter decided she wanted to use lots of different colours with the aim of making a pasta rainbow.
I wanted her to be involved in every stage so as part of the planning she wrote down the colours she wanted to use for her rainbow, she decided on seven in total.
She then carefully counted out three pieces of pasta for each of her chosen colours.
We are also limited on paint colours so she started off painting with the colours we had and then we discussed how we could make the colours we were missing.
She enjoyed experimenting mixing the colours together and was quite particular about the shades she wanted so took her time adding more colour and blending.
Once she'd finished painting and let the pasta dry she arranged them on the paper in the order she wanted them. We discussed that rainbows are normally in horizontal ribbon form but as we didn't have enough pasta we had to do it in blocks of colour. Once she was happy with the design I helped her glue the pasta to a thick piece of paper.
Although it was a really simple activity it required lots of different skills. She did some planning and writing, having a guess at how to spell the different colours. As well as counting and adding. She also got to test her ideas about which colours to mix together to get a desired additional colour. Finally she was able to practice delicately painting small items.
She really enjoyed the activity and with the beautiful weather it was something we were able to do outside.
She even drew a few extras to the finish off the picture.